Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ARC Review: My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody


Okay, maybe that was a bit melodramatic, but I’m sorry, I’m feeling a bit melodramatic at the moment.

Here’s the deal. My name is Brooklyn Pierce, I’m fifteen years old, and I am decisionally challenged. Seriously, I can’t remember the last good decision I made. I can remember plenty of crappy ones though. Including that party I threw when my parents were out of town that accidentally burned down a model home. Yeah, not my finest moment, for sure.

But see, that’s why I started a blog. To enlist readers to make my decisions for me. That’s right. I gave up. Threw in the towel. I let someone else be the one to decide which book I read for English. Or whether or not I accepted an invitation to join the debate team from that cute-in-a-dorky-sort-of-way guy who gave me the Heimlich Maneuver in the cafeteria. (Note to self: Chew the melon before swallowing it.) I even let them decide who I dated!

Well, it turns out there are some things in life you simply can’t choose or have chosen for you—like who you fall in love with. And now everything’s more screwed up than ever.

But don’t take my word for it, read the book and decide for yourself. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll scream in frustration. Or maybe that’s just me. After all, it’s my life.

     If there ever was a unique concept, this would be it. I was instantly surprised at it and also quickly entranced. Brooklyn's voice was slow to start off, but then she got on a roll and I enjoyed her fascinating dialogue. Brooklyn was really prone to making bad and turned to blogging and her readers to make decisions for her. When I realized what she was going to do, I instantly thought it was the stupidest choice anyone could ever make. I also really wanted to find out what would happen. As I continue reading, I see that the blog is a good thing for her mostly and leads to a lot of good outcomes. Her hardest choice ended up being who to love. At that point, I realize that the blog wasn't the point at all. The point was that to make good decisions, you have to first make bad ones.
     I really enjoyed this book. Brooklyn was awesome and Hunter and Brian were wonderful. It was funny and extremely open to a 15-year-old's life. It shows how much society can influence a person's life and shows how sometimes, if you want to be happy, you have to ignore them.

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