Thursday, September 8, 2011

Follow Friday & Blogger Hop (9/8/11)

Follow Friday & Blogger Hop (09/8/11)

It's Follow Friday! This is my Follow Friday post, a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee!

This week's question:Q. Have you ever wanted a villain to win at the end of a story? If so, which one?  

My Answer: No, No, No, No. Did I mention NO? I hate villains and almost never find any sympathy for them at the end of any book. So no I have never wanted a villain to win at the end of a book.

It is also time for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Crazy-For-Books! Today's Book Blogger Question:“Many of us primarily read one genre of books, with others sprinkled in. If authors stopped writing that genre, what genre would you start reading? Or would you give up reading completely if you couldn’t read that genre anymore?”  

My Answer: I really only read YA and I think I will always only read that forever! I would probably try to read other book, but if I couldn't get into any, I would have to quit reading! :( *cue bawling*

9 bubbles:

Tia said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm not a fan of villains either!

My Follow Friday!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm usually not a fan of villains either! New follower! :D

Claire said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm not a fan of villains either, unless they grow into good guys :)

New follower hopping through. My FF is here if you'd like a look.

tthepageturner said... Best Blogger Tips

Hahah, also not a fan of villians winning! - New follower

duchess_mommy said... Best Blogger Tips

New follower, here. Stopping by for Follow Friday's. I love YA too, and yes I'd be crying right along with you if there was nothing to read!

Have a great weekend,

pussreboots said... Best Blogger Tips

Quit reading? There are so many different things to read even if new books in a favorite genre stopped being published. Please come see what I would read.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I see that you are reading Sisters Red. I will check back for your review. I am reading it this month as well.

Aeicha @ Word Spelunking said... Best Blogger Tips

New follower here hopping through!

I'm the opposite, I LOVE villains. Blame Disney and Shakespeare :D
I find them fascinating and captivating.

I see you're reading Sisters Red. I just ordered that book and Sweetly by Jackson Pearce, and I'm super excited to read them. Are you enjoying it?

Here are my Hop and FF

Keturah said... Best Blogger Tips

@Aeicha @ Word Spelunking I did enjoy it and am waiting to read sweetly. The reviews is scheduled to publish soon, so check back!

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