Sunday, July 24, 2011

In My Mailbox (7/23/11)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. 
Here's what I got this week...
ARC: Paradise by Jill S. Alexander
ARC: The Midnight Gate by Helen Stringer
ARC: My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody
(Thanks to Macmillan Children's Publishing Group!!)

Bought from Borders Closing Sale
Forgotten by Cat Patrick
Crush Control by Jennifer Jabaley
Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey
Heist Society by Ally Carter
The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross

I am soooo excited for Forgotten and have already finished My Life Undecided. Awesome! The question marks beside Won are because I really don't know where this package came from. I didn't get an email saying that I'd won anything. I'm definitely not complaining, I just wanted to thank them. So whoever you are, Thanks!

What did you get this week?

2 bubbles:

Jaedia @ The Dragon Chronicle said... Best Blogger Tips

Brilliant finds - I *really* want to read Girl in the Steel Corset. Enjoy!

Once Upon A Time

Nina said... Best Blogger Tips

Forgotten is really, really good. I loved it! I hope you will adore it too, but I'm sure you will.
Enjoy the books you got.

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