Thursday, March 3, 2011

Follow Friday

It's Follow Friday!

This is my Follow Friday post, a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee!

This week's question:
What embarrassing thing have you done on cold medicine?
Probably the most embarrassing thing that I have done on cold medicine is fall asleep early and then get up in the middle of the night and get ready for school.

It is also time for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Crazy-For-Books!

Today's Book Blogger Question:
"Who's your all-time favorite book villain?"
Let me think about it. Um, it could probably be Sarah from 13 to Life. She is so clever and Jekel and Hyde-ish. She is easy to hate because her former personality and the small blinks into her present one, tell you not to trust her. Also I just don't like her because she's wants Pietr. And isn't that a good enough reason?

What about you?

13 bubbles:

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't know the book 13 to Life. Is it s good book? I chose a fabulous book, but a creepy villain.

Please consider joining my Reading Challenge and voting on my poll.


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi! Just stopping by on the hop. I'm your newest follower. I just LOVE your bubble gum theme....I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bubble Gum!
Have a great weekend :)
Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips

Haven't read this book yet, but I'm pretty sure it is on my Goodreads tbr list. :D

Julie Anne Lindsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Picking a fav bad guy was so hard for me! Hop by and see me if you want ;)
Also must tell you I heart this blog. Too-too-too cute!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Hopping by: I went with Tyler Durden... XDD

Now following.

Mandy Lum said... Best Blogger Tips

Just hopping by. I'm your newest follower. I haven't read 13 To Life so I'm not familiar with your villain :(

My all-time favorite villain is Elphaba (the wicked witch of the west) from Gregory Maguire's Wicked.

Hop on over to my blog and learn a little more about the green witch.

My Blogger Hop Post

Mandy @ Embrace Your Oddities

Christy @ TheReaderBee said... Best Blogger Tips

New follower hopping by!

I haven't heard of that book, but I will definitely have to check it out!

I chose Snape!

Howard Sherman said... Best Blogger Tips

My favorite book villain is, hands down, is the Napoleon of crime -
Professor James Moriarty.

It took me less than ten seconds to come up with my answer. But you'll
never guess why.

Hop on over to my blog and find out --

Howard Sherman

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

Love visiting your blog.

...Stopping by from the Blog Hop.

Good answer...stop by my blog for my answer and also a book giveaway.

Stop by my blog for a book giveaway:


Chelsey Emmelhainz of HARPER COLLINS is graciously providing FIVE copies for five lucky winners.

Lucia (iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books) said... Best Blogger Tips

Haha, my favorite villain is a pretty obvious one from Harry Potter. He seems to be a popular choice this week.

Just hoppin' through! Have a great weekend! :)

iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Just hopping on through. I haven't read 13 to Life, but it's been on my TBR pile for awhile. Check out mine: I'm also a new follower

Madigan Mirza said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm kind of torn -- do they mean a villain you genuinely like? In that case, I pick Snape, because I love the way he calls out Harry Potter on stuff. But if I had to choose someone who genuinely grosses me out, I'd say President Snow from The Hunger Games. That whole thing with blood on his mouth? And leaving white flowers as his, "I'm gonna get you" calling card? He is creeeeepy!

This weekend I'm at a Children's Literature Conference with a terrible cold unfortunately, so hopefully I won't embarrass myself too badly. If I had my druthers I'd be home sick in bed, but I can't pass up the chance to meet all these famous authors and go to interesting panels. Viva le cough syrup!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

You know, I actually don't know this villain, I will have to check it out!
New follower here!
Check my pick out here

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