Something Witchy This Way Comes is an awesome book about a strong-willed girl and her fierce battle with making the right decisions and coming out unscathed. With a hot, annoying boy who has problems of his own, her story was a heartbreaker.
Tessa is the best, She grabbed my attention from the beginning. Her voice was animated and she just seemed good. As she battles with quickly learning that she is a witch and that people want her, she strengthens with the turn of each page. She is thrown obstacle after obstacle, her neglectful parents, her "newly dead" sister and the responsibility for her adorable little sister. She refuses to be down for too long.
With Hayden, Tessa is invincible. He balances her out and is not at all what she expects. Her guarded heart slowly melts for him throughout the story. Tessa isn't afraid of fully influenced by Hayden's looks or charm. She is so honest and frank with him about her feeling and situation.
Hayden is a GOD. There is no other word to describe him. He is hired to protect Tessa when she first finds out about her powers. He is a bit hesitant at first, but quickly warms up after seeing and meeting Tessa. Hayden's point-of-view is so personal and eye-opening. His feelings for Tessa are expressed in such a raw way. She continually refuses him. Reading his voice, desperate to have Tessa, is too sweet for words and just incredible.
Something Witchy This Way Comes exceeded my expectations. It shot them out of the sky. With its courageous protagonist and sexy love interest to the kidnapping and smoldering kisses, SWTWC takes the cake and runs with it.*
*Thanks to Crush Publishing for providing this book for review.
1 bubbles:
Wow!!! Love love love your review... for obvious reasons. Thanks for the kind words :-)
Now I don't want you to review any of my other books. Might be a let down.
Sort of. :-P
Happy reading!
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