Book I Am Most Grateful For
The book that I am most grateful for is Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. If you are an avid visitor to my blog, you know that I talk about Twilight ALOT! It was an awesome book that I read several times a year still. I think my gratefulness to Twilight isn't really because it was Twilight. I was because it gave me my love and enjoyment back. Okay, there's a story coming!Understand that I was 11 or so, when I saw Twilight and read the books. I have always been mature and ahead emotionally and mentally of my peers. I was a nerd and always studying. I am an only child and it get lonely sometimes. I thought that I was the only one who was going through what I went through. I thought that there was nothing I could do, but do work and hope it payed off. Twilight gave me a hobby that I love and gave me confidence. It started a domino reaction and it was a catalyst. I needed all the books I could get my hands on! I had made the greatest discovery of all: I Am Not Alone. The rest is history.
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I love twilight too! Even though I realize now that it wasn't the best book I still can't stop reading it!
Krazyyme @ Young Readers
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