It's Follow Friday!
Hey everyone! Sorry to have been so absent in the blogosphere this week, My mom had surgery and needed assistance, but here I am today to join in on the Follow Friday fun!!!
This is my Follow Friday post, a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee
This week's question: What do I do when I are not reading?
My Answer: Since I get bored easily I do lots of things when I am not reading. I do blog and spend a lot of time on the Internet searching for crafts and other stuff. I just recently started art journaling and I love it. I also taught myself to knit, but don't know if it will be for me.
It is also time for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Crazy-For-Books!
Today's Book Blogger Question: Coming Soon!
Hey everyone! Sorry to have been so absent in the blogosphere this week, My mom had surgery and needed assistance, but here I am today to join in on the Follow Friday fun!!!
This week's question: What do I do when I are not reading?
My Answer: Since I get bored easily I do lots of things when I am not reading. I do blog and spend a lot of time on the Internet searching for crafts and other stuff. I just recently started art journaling and I love it. I also taught myself to knit, but don't know if it will be for me.
It is also time for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Crazy-For-Books!
Today's Book Blogger Question: Coming Soon!
4 bubbles:
Stopping by from Follow Friday. New follower.
We spend some time blogging and searching the web as well.
Have a nice weekend.
Carla & Ania
Old follower stopping by!
I hope your mom recovers quickly from her surgery!
I also spend WAY too much time on the internet, mostly blogging or some other form of social media haha, I just started using Twitter earlier this year... I also taught myself to knit, but I always start a project and then never finish it, so I don't know if it's really for me either! Maybe one day when I'm retired I'll pick it up again ;)
You can see my FF post for this week at the link below :)
Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland
I also do a bit of knitting :)
New follower
Hopping through. I hope your mom is feeling well. I taught myself to knit years ago. I love doing it, but never have (or make) time.
My Hop
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