Series: Take Me Now
Pages: 111
Date Released: July 16, 2013

How do you survive the internship from hell?
Don't fall in love.
Ivy thought being a reporter-in-training at the Independent Gazette would be her dream summer job. Little did she know, interviewing Eric, a landscaper with a heart of gold, would derail her plans. It turns out Ivy's boss, Lauren, has been eying his chiseled physique for quite some time.
But at twenty-four, Eric already has a tragic past, one that he is still reeling from. Even though his ordeal turned him into some sort of local celebrity, it's been a while since he's shared his bed with anyone. When he comes to Ivy's rescue out of the blue, it's not long before the two of them start seeing each other behind Lauren's back. When they get caught, Ivy's journey toward a college degree is jeopardized and her relationship with Eric is severely put to the test.
Career versus love? In the end, a shocking turn of events provides Ivy with a revelation she never saw coming.

Take Me Now was certainly not what I expected. It was…..unique. First off, the characters. I couldn't make up my mind whether or not I loved them or hated them. It was probably both. I hated Ivy because she acted like a child at certain times, like letting a cute boy fuddle her mind like she was in middle school and taking all the crap that she did from Lauren. I loved her because she was so realistic for the same reasons. Sometimes boys do happen to make you act crazy even when you know that you are being stupid and Ivy acknowledged it. Also standing up to someone who had so much power over her career would not be so easy. Sometimes she dealt with stuff in ways that would make me frown, but all in all I could appreciate her naivety and her determination to grow up and learn from her mistakes.
Eric was an awesome love interest. He had a hard life and was more mature than Ivy in a good way, but not in all ways. Sometimes, he blew stuff way out of proportion and overreacted. I still loved him because of his honesty and realistic qualities.
Take Me Now’s aforementioned uniqueness came from its startling pace within the book and all the twists and turns. The supporting characters were truly psychotic and crazy in ways that were weirdly appealing. They brought drama to the book like I've never read and kept me on my toes while I was reading. This was the icing on the cake and led to a delightful ending and new beginning for Ivy and Eric.